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Free Advice on filling in Application Forms
Why do employers use application forms
The reason employers use application forms is because it standardises the information and makes it easier to compare candidates. Although online application forms are easier than paper ones, still nobody finds it easy. It is reassuring if you remember that the difficulties are the same for everyone and the tips that follow should make it a little easier for you to complete the application form without mishap.
Make a copy
If the application form is a paper one, then it will really help if you make a photocopy before you start. This will allow you to practice without messing up the original application form and you can get an idea of how your answers will fit in the spaces
Be sure to do as you are asked
One of the most common mistakes is not paying attention to what you are being asked to do. This is important, because it could lead to your application form being discarded before it is even read. An example of this might be whether you are asked to give dates chronologically or reverse-chronologically. If you are asked to write in capitals in black ink then make sure you do so.
Read the questions through carefully
Be sure to answer the question you are asked. A major reason for failure in examinations is that the answer given is not appropriate to the question asked and application forms are just the same in this respect.
Filling in the form
For a handwritten form, it is important that you do not start to fill in the form until you are sure of your answers. The problem otherwise may be that what you write won’t fit. Notice how many words you are allowed and don’t cramp your answers. The form should be neatly handwritten in black ink.
Difficult questions
When you come to difficult questions, remember everyone will have the same problems. If you think your answers through carefully this will give you a significant edge on your rivals. Some of the difficult questions may be covered on our interview questions page.
Keep a copy
Keep a copy of the form so that you can remember exactly what you said. Take notice of how you are asked to submit your application. Send your CV and a short covering letter to accompany the form unless you are specifically told not to do so.
On-line application forms
Online application forms are becoming increasingly common. Many of the problems dealt with above will not apply but it is still very important that the form should be well-presented and that there should be no typing errors.
Your e-mail address
This is a very important point which is often overlooked. Make sure that your e-mail address is sensible and businesslike. It can be very off-putting to a prospective employer to be invited to contact someone with an inappropriate title. It is easy to set up a special Hot-Mail account especially for job applications.
We provide an application form service which can be very helpful. You can ask us to help with especially difficult questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.
Our Services
We provide affordable CV writing solutions. Our skill is in organising complex information in a clear, easy to understand format.
Remember to take into account the difference a first class CV will make to your job prospects and earning potential. A professionally written CV from CV writing services is an extremely worthwhile investment for your future.
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