CV templates

CV Templates

A totally different kind of CV Template

We provide a CV template package which will help you create your own CV to a professional standard. Most people are concerned about using a template for CV writing, and rightly so. But our CV template package is totally different from any other. When the step by step Guidance Notes are followed it is simply not possible to detect that a template has been used at all.

Most other CV templates are based upon a table format, but ours are not. A table format is not a satisfactory solution because the resulting CV is bound to be steretyped and unattractive. This is why most experts will advise against using a template for CV writing. It is true, especially in the case of free CV templates, that they can do more harm than good.

Here is the good news

We have recognised that there is a problem with most CV Templates so, after a great deal of work and research, we have come up with a solution which will give you the help you need with writing your own CV, but without any of the drawbacks.

Our CV templates are based upon an outline Word document which does not make use of tables at all, making it impossible for the reader to detect that a template has been used. The secret of their success is in working with the in-depth Guidance Notes which are also included in the package. These Guidance Notes are very comprehensive and include up to date detailed advice and examples for you to follow.

Writing your own CV

We know from many years of experience that whilst a professionally written CV is ideal for many people, others believe that the best solution is in writing your own CV. However, this can be a daunting task. How should you organise the information How should it be formatted What is the best layout

The answers to these and other questions are all included in the comprehensive Guidance Notes which come with your CV Template package. We will let you in on the secrets of writing a professional quality CV. We will help you to understand the answers to all your questions and tell you some valuable tricks of the trade.

Be sure to choose the package that is appropriate for you, as the guidance given is specific to each level. To give you an idea of the quality of these comprehensive Guidance Notes, these are just some of the subjects covered:

  • General advice on writing a CV
  • Your CV template package
  • Important points to remember when writing your CV
  • Before you start creating your CV
  • Dealing with gaps in your employment
  • What not to include
  • Pitfalls to avoid
  • Tips of the trade
  • Creating your CV(with detailed explanations and examples)
  • When you have finished writing the CV
  • List of useful words
  • List of useful phrases
  • Example CV

All this, as well as an easy to use template with the page set up for you, ready to create a CV with a really professional layout and properly organised information.

These high quality CV templates are designed with you in mind. They represent a cost-effective, user-friendly solution to writing your own CV and are based upon a wealth of professional experience. Just follow the simple instructions to produce a really effective, professional standard CV.

To help you in making the decision which of our CV templates is suitable for your purpose, it would probably be helpful to you to visit our CV formats page which gives information about the most usual formats for CV writing.

The Guidance Notes require Adobe Reader version 7 or above. This can be downloaded free at


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