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Preparation for a Job Interview
You’ve jumped the first hurdle!
Well done – the fact that you have been invited for a job interview means you have already jumped the first hurdle. You have been given an opportunity, so make sure you take full advantage of the job interview opportunity by proving your potential. Some careful research and preparation before the day of the job interview could make all the difference between success and failure
Your CV
Remember in the first instance that all the employer can know about you is what you have told him in your CV, so go through it again just before the job interview. That way, when you are you requested to do so you can give more details about the information you have already supplied, and give any futher information with confidence.
You wouldn’t have applied for the job in the first place if you didn’t think you could do it. When preparing for the job interview you should try to remember what you made you apply in the first place. You can then identify ten strengths which make you the ideal person for the job. This will not only help with the interview questions, it will help to build your self confidence
Do some research
Nowadays most Companies will have web sites, so it is easy to look on the internet to find out some details and interesting facts. The more you prepare for the job interview by finding out about the Company you are applying to, the better chance you have of making a good impression
Read the letter carefully
You will have received a letter inviting you to attend the job interview. Make sure you read it carefully, it will give vital information that you will need on the day of the job interview. Take careful note of the time and the venue and make a note it in your diary – just in case you should lose the letter – it has been known!
Job specification
If, when you are invited to the job interview, you are sent a job and/or person specification, then study this carefully. If you are not sent one, then go back to the original advertisement to remind you what the employers are actually looking for. You can then work out a proper plan to demonstrate that you are the person who can deliver exactly what they are seeking.
This may make you feel strange, but it is well worthwhile to rehearse your answers to Interview Questions in front of a mirror. Perhaps you could ask a friend to help by doing a role play. Even better – dress in the clothes you will be wearing and hold a proper dress rehearsal.
Check out the venue
Unless you are sure you know where the job interview is to be held, you would be wise to check it out. Go over the route to find out how long it will take to get there. Allow for train delays or traffic jams. Then on the day, allow extra time. It is better to arrive too early than too late.
Dress and Appearance
Even if the job itself does not require it, you should still plan to dress smartly for the job interview. Try to avoid too many accessories or jewellery, these could be difficult to manage on the day of the interview. Make sure you are well groomed, paying special attention to finger nails.
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