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Ten Top Tips for CV Writing
1. Remember the purpose of CV writing
When CV writing, the main thing to remember is the purpose for which the CV is intended. It is the first point of contact between you and a prospective new employer. It is all he knows about you so it is essential that your CV writing style gives the right first impression.
2. Make sure it gives a good first impression
When you use your CV in support of an application for a job it will usually arrive along with a number of others. The person reading it will only allow a very short time for an initial appraisal of each candidate. You may be ideal for the job, but you will have lost your opportunity to prove it if you do not make a good first impression with your CV.
3. Not too much detail
If the layout of the CV is not attractive, or there are long paragraphs of prose, the employer could discard your CV at first glance. You need to impart the maximum information with the minimum effort on the part of the reader. The most common mistake people make when CV writing is to include too much detail.
4. Prioritise information
Although it can be a daunting task you must prioritise information and keep it to a minimum. When CVwriting, always remember that ‘less is more’. Your CV writing will have far more impact if you include less information but make sure that it is all totally relevant.
5. No repetition
Be careful that you don’t repeat information. After you have completed the CV writing, go through the document and strike any unnecessary adjectives or repetitions. You will undoubtedly be very surprised how much it is improved and streamlined.
6. Use bulleted lists
There is no doubt that in CV writing bulleted lists are much better than paragraphs of prose. However you should still remember that you are delivering an important message which needs to have impact. Don’t make each point too complete and don’t include too many points in your list.
7. Remember it is a marketing document
It is important to remember that a CV is essentially a marketing document for use in a very competitive field. It needs to be written in a format which will be pleasing to the eye and impart information in a very clear and concise way.
8. Use an objective approach
It is a sad fact that the prospective employer is not actually interested in you as a person, only in what you can bring to his organisation. The approach to CV writing needs to be objective and viewed from the perspective of the reader. You need to demonstrate the skills and competencies you have to offer
9. Demonstrate what you have to offer
Your CV is all that a prospective employer knows about you so if you are to succeed it is important that you make sure that he can understand exactly what you have to offer. Your CV writing style needs to demonstrate why he should employ you in particular, rather than one of the many other candidates for the job.
10. Identify your market
The trick in writing an effective CV is to identify your target market and then demonstrate that you have the skills and competencies that they are looking for. Look carefully at the job advertisement and see what the prospective employer is actually seeking. You can then ensure that your CV writing style is relevant, concise and very clear
Our Services
CV writing is not easy. You can avoid all the hassle of writing your own CV and be assured of an excellent result by using our Professional CV writing services. Our skill is in organising complex information in a clear, easy to understand format.
We offer affordable CV writing solutions. Remember to take into account the difference a first class CV will make to your job prospects and earning potential. A professionally written CV from CV Writing Services is an extremely worthwhile investment for your future.
see also Writing a CV
CV formats
Things to do when writing a CV
Things not to do when Writing a CV
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