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How to Choose a CV Writing Service
To help you understand the CV writing services that are available on the internet, here are some relevant points to look out for
Does the Website look professional and smart
A CV Writing Website should reflect the standards of the service. If the Website looks unprofessional or unattractive, then this should be an immediate warning sign. If a CV writing service lacks the judgement to know the value of a well-presented Website, then it is unlikely they will understand how important proper presentation is in a professionally written CV.
Do their charges seem very low
Some so-called professional CV writing services will offer to write your CV for less than 50. This cannot represent a worthwhile investment, as it is obvious that they must either be using an automated process, or not employing properly trained quality staff. The team at CV Writing Services is made up of fully trained professionals who are paid an appropriate rate for providing a range of first rate professional CV writing services.
What is their charging policy
You may need to be careful to check that the price includes everything you expect to receive. With CV Writing services there are absolutely no hidden extras and we make our charging policy as simple as possible
Do they require you to supply personal details before you can get any meaningful information
If this is the case, then you need to know what they are going to be doing with your particulars. It could be that their purpose in collecting the information is to sell it on to others.
Are they offering a speedy ‘build it yourself’ service
This is a sure sign of the use of CV writing software. There will be no consultants involved in providing this service, neither will any advice be given as to content. You will be required to provide all the text yourself. Although it may provide a structure for writing your own CV, it will inevitably produce a muddled page due to the unnecessary lines and boxes. A far better option for writing your own CV is to use a CV Template solution which will shortly be available from CV Writing Services.
Do their charges seem high
In CV writing ‘you get what you pay for’ is not necessarily true. Some dedicated CV writing services are charging in excess of 75 per hour. It is not necessary to pay that much to get a premium service. It probably means that the money you spend is having to support high overheads instead of being paid direct to the CV writers. CV Writing Services typically charge 45 per hour. We keep overheads low so that the full value is in the CV writing services provided by fully trained professionals.
Do you know whether their consultants provide an exclusive service
Many CV writers will provide sub-contract CV writing for a number of other CV writing services. This could mean that although you will have taken the trouble to make what you thought was a wise choice, the CV writing service could actually be provided by the same consultant as if you had chosen differently. The fully trained professional CV writers at CV Writing Services work only for us, and are loyal members of our dedicated team.
Do they appear to be old-fashioned and stuffy
Styles in CV writing are constantly changing, and it is important that a CV writing service should be aware of this. You can tell by the presentation of the Website information whether a CV Writing service is stuck in the past and complacent about the style of CV they are offering. Here at CV Writing Services we provide a dynamic CV writing service which keeps abreast of modern trends.
Do they specialise in CV writing at all
Over the past few years a number of CV writing businesses have sprung up which are actually run by entrepreneurs. Their business is not based upon quality CV writing, but rather in selling a service. This type of company is extremely dangerous because their actual skill is in marketing. They will have very professional looking websites and will employ convincing salesmen. They will know exactly the right answers to give to your questions which makes them difficult to spot. If their services appears too good to be true, then it probably is.
Do they offer a wide range of career related services
There are companies which will promise you a wide range of career related services which can include interview coaching and CV writing. Some even offer a personal grooming service and transport to the interview in a limousine. They will typically charge several thousands of pounds for this ‘full service’. They will promise to solve all your career related problems, but most of them will provide a very poor return on investment, especially as their experience of CV writing will usually be very limited.
Do they claim membership of professional Resume Writing Organisations
The clue here is in the use of the word Resume, which as you probably know is the American version of a CV. As far as we know there are no Professional organisations for CV Writers in the UK, but they do exist in the USA. Membership is available simply upon payment of a fee. It is unlikely that they would provide any protection for a client in the UK. Your best protection is to use a site like CV Writing Services which offers proper guarantees and is registered under the Data Protection Act.
Do they carry a range of advertisements for other sites
Many sites have been set up as vehicles for earning advertising revenue. If a site is carrying advertisements for services which are competing with their own, then the explanation must be that it is not a genuine CV writing site. CV Writing Services does not carry any advertisements but it does provide resources in the form of useful links to other employment related sites.
Do they offer a full money back guarantee
Your rights are protected by consumer legislation, but in case of any difficulty you should contact your local Trading Standards Office. However, we believe that a reputable CV writing service should be registered under the Data Protection Act. Our Registration Number is Z9537380. We observe the quality standards of the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance and Recruitment & Employment Confederation insofar as they relate to professional CV writing services and all our work is covered by our guarantees.
Do they offer a free CV assessment service
If a CV writing service is are offering a free CV assessment service then it is a very good idea to try it out before you go any further. This will give you an excellent yardstick for judging the quality of their knowledge about CV writing. CV Writing Services invites you to take advantage of our no-obligation free CV assessment service, we are confident you will find our advice helpful and informative.
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